Wilton Park’s Website

Reproduced from the Wilton Park Annual Report 2004-5

Wilton Park’s Website

Since its creation six years ago Wilton Park’s website (www.wiltonpark.org.uk) has
developed into a key tool for spreading information about Wilton Park conferences
and encouraging two-way interaction with the international policy community. There has been a steady increase in participants using the website over the last fours years.

During 2004-05, £138,000 of conference participation income came through this route (£123,000 in the previous year). In 2001-02 the corresponding amount was £54,000.

As well as all conference reports and programmes the site contains background
information about the Agency and its location, information on how to contact its staff and
means of applying to participate in conferences on-line. Bookings for the hire of Wiston House when Wilton Park conferences are not in session can also be made via the website.

The website www.wiltonpark.org.uk was re-designed in March 2005 to give added
clarity and focus. The site now shows our conferences in nine policy themes and makes
it much easier to see the full scope of our policy work. The site is also easier to navigate
and illustrates in detail the work of Wilton Park with a wide range of photographs
showing discussions at our events at Wiston House and abroad. The website has been
designed to make it easier for people to engage with Wilton Park and to take part
in our events. The site conforms with Government accessibility guidelines, using
the latest XHTML technology.