Archive for May 2024
Creating a restful API from a SOAP web service using node.js
I believe I am in a minority of developers in that I actually have a sweet spot for SOAP based web services. This goes back to when Web 2.0 was very new, and the idea of distributed computing via WebServices rather than RPC was the future. Being a more traditionally trained computer scientist and object…
Read MoreUsing OpenAI to help classify Instagram Posts to understand audience engagement
I was recently asked to think about how a brand could go about understanding their audience more on social media. In particular a company wanted to better understand the audience of one of their content creator partners. The creator’s principle medium was Instagram, and whilst there posts did contain some text a lot of the…
Read MoreLooker Studio Visualisations pushed to Slack, Teams and Email
A few days ago I wanted to share a couple of charts and a table from a Looker Studio dashboard quickly with a client in Slack. I didn’t want to send a link to the whole dashboard, just put a couple of charts into slack to emphasise a point I was making. I naievly thought…
Read MoreSearch performance through the lens of market share
I was recently asked to take a look at how we might better benchmark and set targets for a clients website performance (see other post), however I was then asked to consider how we might better measure, attribute and forecast the benefits our SEO work brings to clients websites. Now I am no SEO person. …
Read MoreRevisiting and updating a React Native app from a few years ago
A few years ago I created an app for Fife County Council to allow them to audit the bus stops they are responsible for and report any maintenance issues on the go. With over 4000 stops, providing a system to manage manual inspections and poster updates is very important. It turns out the app hasn’t…
Read MoreUsing Azure pipelines for concurrent feature branch test deployments
I have been asked to look at creating a Continuous Integration setup whereby our dev team can create feature branches for a client website and have commits to those branches result in that branch being deployed to a Windows Server as it’s own .net website. Each branch requires its own website as clients want to…
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